Why get tested?
Because you can’t put a price on peace of mind.
For yourself
Testing for common infections and illnesses, and managing chronic diseases helps us ease the anxiety of the unknown. You’re also taking control of your own health, which can be a powerful feeling.
If you let that lingering pain or discomfort go without treatment, it may lead to bigger health issues that could have been preventable and permanent.
Even if you don’t have symptoms, regular testing can prevent unnecessary sickness, provide you with more information about your health, and control the spread in your communities.
Keep in mind:
STDs are treatable, but the spread can also be preventable.
Many people who have them don’t show symptoms.
If left untreated, STDs can cause infertility, a higher risk of cancers, viral infections, and complications from uncontrolled chronic conditions such as diabetes.
For your family
We’ve all been there. The virus that swept through the house. It starts with one runny nose, then two fevers, then three coughs, then a house full of tissues. It can be prevented or minimized with early testing.
When it comes to infectious disease or chronic illness, knowing what it is or isn’t can not only protect your loved ones but can also start you on the pathway to getting care.
Keep in mind:
Newborns and infants get hit hard by respiratory illness. New nephew in the family? Get tested for common viruses before kissing the little baby. And though they are small, their infections are mighty for young and old alike. During flu and cold seasons, consider less cheek-to-cheek.
Elderly family members are at high risk. Get tested and decrease your chances before going over for Sunday dinner.
Chronic illness can put a strain on families. Testing can help identify underlying conditions, like diabetes, to start proper treatment and get control early
For your community
STDs and viral infections can spread rapidly in tight-knit communities. Be sure before heading to work, church, school, or any family or community gathering.
When an illness spreads, it can put a burden on hospitals and healthcare systems. That means when you need care the most it might not be available. When we all test, we can all care for one another.
Keep in mind:
In public spaces, cover coughs and sneezes.
Wash hands frequently with soap and water, and take advantage of hand sanitizing stations.
Throw on a mask in highly-populated tight spaces like elevators or public transportation.
Be honest with your sexual partner, and get tested for STDs often to confirm what you already know.
Get involved in your community and learn how to support the people around you. In a medical emergency, like low-blood sugar or a seizure, your actions can make the difference between a hospital visit and a quick recovery.
Simple HealthKit makes testing simple
We believe in healthcare that actually feels like care. If you fear you’ve come into contact with an infectious disease, have a family risk factor of chronic illness, or just want to be sure—our services are private, discreet, and accurate. We’ll take care of you, from the test through connections to treatment.
The more we know, the better we can protect our families, friends, and communities.
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